Posts Tagged ‘Bathroom’
Location: My Bathroom
Sounds: Sink knob turning on, pump of hand soap, rubbing/washing of hands under the water, flicking excess water off hands, & drying hands on towel.
Location: Nassau 506 Bathroom
Sounds: Teeth being brushed by my suitemate, brush bristles grinding against teeth
Recorded in my bathroom
Sounds heard: Water running, squeezing soap out of the dispenser and water splashing in the sink
Date/Location: 3/30, 12:20am, Estabrook 6th floor lounge
far sounds: people talking, someone moving around in room above me
medium sounds: hum from the light above me, 2 other people in lounge typing on laptops, beep from elevator, elevator moving
close sounds: 2 other people in lounge talking to each other, someone’s door open and close on floor, someone walking in flipflops in the bathroom, shower
sound level: medium
descriptive word: relaxing
3 important words: elevator sounds, laptop typing, 2 people talking to each other
Date/Location: 3-10, 1:30am, Estabrook 6th floor women’s bathroom
Sounds heard: me brushing my teeth, water from faucet, me spit into sink, hum from the heating system
Location: Enterprise, 6th floor
Sounds Heard: You can hear the sounds of my resident playing the electric guitar in his room, the sounds of my residents harmonizing and singing in the bathroom and then having a conversation. You can hear the shower running in the background of them. Whether or not they were singing in the shower is unknown and I wasn’t about to find out.
-Men’s Room on Bottom Floor of Student Center
-Person whistling while in a stall, the rolling of the toilet paper dispenser, toilet flushing. The sound of my soul dying a little as I record a man whistling while he’s on the toilet.
Vander Poel 6th Floor Bathroom
Toilet flush, door lock being opened, soap dispenser being pushed, faucet being run, walking, door opening, opening door to my room