Posts Tagged ‘Kennedy’

  1. 3/5/2020, 12:40pm, Monroe Hall 205 (before History of Jazz class)
  2. Footsteps in hallway & classroom door opening/closing.
  3. Students sitting down in chairs, students talking, projector remote clicking on & projector scrolling down.
  4. Backpack zippers, papers shuffling, water bottle opening, pens tapping & laptops opening.
  5. The sound level is moderate since the volumes of all the sounds I heard weren’t bothersome or at a loud volume.  However, there was a great amount of sound activity since it was hard to focus on individual sounds.  
  6. Filled
  7. Papers shuffling, pencils/pens,  Laptops

Driving my car on campus. 

Keys clanking, keys turn inside ignition, car starting, seatbelt, radio, shifting gears, gas pedal pressed, & car signal.



  1. 2/25/2020, 7:25pm, NAB 010 (Before band rehearsal)
  2. Voices in hallway, percussion instruments being rolled into room, & doors opening/closing.
  3. Instrument cases opening/closing, students voices, footsteps, & various instruments being played/warming up.
  4. Music stand squeaking, chairs shuffling, sheet music being shuffled, & my clarinet.
  5. The sound level is high because since the room is large and the acoustics are wide/open, the sound of instruments being warmed up plus students talking filled the space completely.  The amount of sound activity was also high because there were many varieties of instruments played on top of each other, which made it hard to focus on individual sounds.  
  6. Clamorous.
  7. Musical instruments being played, music stands squeaking, & shuffling of sheet music. 

Walking to class outside by Calkins Hall towards Monroe Hall.

Wind, my footsteps, distant voices, distant cars driving, UPS truck beeping, & UPS guy shifting boxes.

Kernochan Ave. Car horn, car door opening/closing, car passing by, footsteps, & voices in background. 


  1. 2/20/2020, 8:05PM, Monroe Hall 205 (Acapella group rehearsal)
  2. Footsteps walking down hallway, & voices in hallway.
  3. Classroom door opening/closing & footsteps walking towards front of classroom.
  4. Water bottles opening, sheet music shuffling, piano, singing warm-ups, & people talking.
  5. The sound level is pretty high since I was right next to the piano and our singing voices were amplified from the acoustics of the room.  Despite a few sounds other than singing, the amount of sound activity was low since we were all singing the same thing. 
  6. Unified.
  7. Singing, sheet music shuffling, & the piano.


  1. 2/13/2020, 7:31pm, Backyard
  2. Airplane, Sirens in the distance
  3. Cars zooming down the street, car doors slamming, housemates inside talking
  4. The wind, my breathing 
  5. The sound level is very low since there were only a sounds that were heard from a distance, and amount of sound activity is very minimum since I was able to pinpoint certain sounds and they didn’t clash together.  
  6. Serene
  7. Wind, Cars, Airplane 
Location: Bits n’ Bites on campus
Sounds heard: People’s voices, blender, scanner & server’s voice
  1. 2/6/2020, 5:44pm, LIRR train to Penn Station.
  2. Train wheels bumping & squeaking.
  3. Doors between train cars sliding open.
  4. Passengers conversing, train doors opening/closing, automated voice announcing train stop, & ding when door opens.
  5. The sound is a medium level because people are talking at a reasonable volume and the wheels aren’t distracting.  However, the amount of sound is high since many voices are clashing together and you can’t focus on individual voices. 
  6. Cluttered.
  7. Train wheels, announcing voice, & passengers voices.

Location: My Bathroom

Sounds: Sink knob turning on, pump of hand soap, rubbing/washing of hands under the water, flicking excess water off hands, & drying hands on towel. 

Sound of the Day


Music: Sunshine Mix HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!

Outro SOTD:


Current Assignments


Take the Final exam on Canvas by 5/15/2024, 10am

Previous Assignment


Project 6 DUE on Canvas by the end of the day on Monday 5/6/2024.

Reminder: Class will not meet on Monday 5/6, work on your project.

This week’s blog entry is a Field Recording, the last blog entry of the semester!

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