Posts Tagged ‘Journal Entry’

2:45pm // speigel theater SFAB open forum // April 28th. 

Farthest away sounds — hum of the ebb and flow of traffic, the occasional siren, shuffling of speigel seats. 

Medium sounds — clinking of bri’s dog’s collar, typing of Sfab rep computers. 

Closest sounds — me adjusting in my chair, people talking behind me, professors answering questions, ice shifting in my plastic dunkin cup. 

Sound level – mostly silent on the background noise except for the occasional shifting of people in audience or on stage. Focused in on the conversation and dialogue happening. 

One word – productive 

Most important sounds – the professors speaking, audience members speaking, typing of SFAB computers. 

Date: 4/28

Location: Content Suite in LHCOMM

Far Sounds: Door opening and closing, people walking in and out, people talking about a group project

Medium Sounds: AC/Patching station, fans going

Close Sounds: People typing on keyboards, someone on the phone

Sound Description/Level: The room is big and industrial sounding, so the sound echos with relative ease

One Word: Corporate

Most Important Sounds: People talking, people typing/working at computers

  1. 04/26/2023 – 10:11 AM – Emily Lowe Room 201 – sound class
  2. Far away: people walking in the hall
  3. Medium: the radiator making squeaky noises, people typing, someone’s foot tapping, someone’s pen clicking
  4. Closest: Rych speaking, my laptop fan
  5. The sound level is medium.
  6. Descriptor: Attentive
  7. Essential sounds: Rych speaking, laptop fan, people typing

Location: My room

Farthest Sound: Hum of cars on the turnpike

Medium sounds: Wind outside my window, cars speeding down my street, electric guitar playing in the basement

closest sounds: Vacuum outside my door, the show playing on my tv, typing noises

Sound level is high and very busy, lots of separate loud noises going on

Description: jumbled

Most Important sounds: Wind, vacuum, tv show


1- Backyard of off campus home, 12:06pm, 04/14/2023

2- farthest away sounds – car driving by, ambulance siren, different car starting, honking, airplane above, hum of traffic on a nearby street

3- medium range – chorus of birds chirping, air conditioning whirl, rustling of bushes, distant voices from inside the house and the next door backyard, car alarm

4- closest sounds – my sniffles (allergy season is upon us), the tapping and swishing of my metal straw against the metal coffee cup, buzzing of bees, tapping of foot on bench

5- it is relatively noise provoking, considering its generally calm demeanor. Lot of random noises coming together to really create the soundscape.
6- lively

7- birds chirping, metal straw, buzzing of bees

Date: 4/13

Location: LHComm classroom

Far Sounds: Professor talking through the wall

Medium Sounds: people shifting in their seats, sniffling, feet shuffling on the ground, people typing on laptops

Close Sounds: Professor reading a text, people breathing behind me

Sound Description/Level: relatively low, nothing too loud or overbearing, just a Professor reading to his class, and them listening

One Word: studious

Most Important Sounds: Professor reading

Date: 3/29/23

Location: Hauser Hall room 109, Psychopathology course

Far sounds: Typing of people at front of room, central heating/air blowing, people sniffling

Medium sounds: Professor lecturing, professor’s shoes on the linoleum, questions and voices from classmates

Close sounds: My own typing, my chair creaking

Sound description/level: Quiet, focused sound, revolving around the sound of the lecture currently being given by the professor. She is speaking loudly and clearly but the rest of the class and classroom is understandably silent.

One word: Focused

Most important sounds: Typing, professor lecturing, air from the vent blowing

Location: 3/31/2023, 5:12 bedroom

Furthest sounds: cars driving down hempstead turn pike, further cars driving in the distance, cars honking, engines revving, semi trunks hissing and stopping

medium: car doors being closed, cars going over the metal plate in the road near my house,  the popeyes drive throw window worker talking about combos, my roommate playing loud rock music in the basement.

closest: the sound of the youtube video about black holes i am watching, me typing on my computer

sound level: loud but not busy

description: relaxing

essential sounds: car honks, loud basement music, youtube video

  1. 03/31/2023 – 4:06 PM – the Back area where I work
  2. Far away: the store music playing
  3. Medium: the manager typing, someone using a hammer
  4. Closest: a chair moving around, a toilet flushed, someone shuffling through boxes
  5. The sound level is low.
  6. Descriptor: Preparing
  7. Essential sounds: the shuffling of boxes and the store music playing

Date: March 30

Location: LHCOMM Classroom

Far Sounds: doors opening from down the hall, professor’s voice through the wall

Medium Sounds: air vents, people moving in their seats, clearing their throats, marker squeaking on the board

Close Sounds: Professor lecturing, people writing in their notebooks

Sound Description/Level: the professor himself is loud and clear because he projects his voice, but other than that the level of noise is pretty quiet.

One Word: enthusiasm

Most Important Sounds: Professor talking, marker squeaking

Sound of the Day


Music: Sunshine Mix HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!

Outro SOTD:


Current Assignments


Take the Final exam on Canvas by 5/15/2024, 10am

Previous Assignment


Project 6 DUE on Canvas by the end of the day on Monday 5/6/2024.

Reminder: Class will not meet on Monday 5/6, work on your project.

This week’s blog entry is a Field Recording, the last blog entry of the semester!

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