Still Haven’t Moved Log #6


Farthest Sound- Someone watching TV down stairs, people laughing in the lounge, and that heater thing acting up again.

Medium Distance- My suite mates laughing and talking about what school work they need to get done this weekend, people going through the now working back gate.

Closest Distance- My dorm rooms A/C going full blast, my play list entitled ‘bops’ is playing, and my rap tap tapping on my key board.

Sound Description- Medium level, the house feels alive and lived in.

Important Sounds- The people down stairs, the A/C, and the music

I Really Gotta Do this In a Different Spot Log #5


Farthest Sound- The wind howling out side my dorm, the window has a few small gaps and the wind is strong enough to force itself through. Making the window produce this wishing sound.  

Medium Distance- The people of Hague running around in the halls, and others laughing with friends downstairs in the lounge.

Closest Distance- My roommate crinkling plastic and boxing as she finishes a drama 5 project for the one and only Jim Heart. The sink runs as she washes off her paint brushes and palette. 

Sound Description- Busy and Simi noisy but not in a bad way.

Important Sounds- The wind, it really be gusty out there. My roommate crinkling plastic, and the sound of tape being ripped.

Chillin’ on A Thursday Log #4


Farthest Sound- The windblown against my window,  some people playing and talking out. in the court yard.

Medium Distance- The sound of the downstairs heater acting up and making a strange thumping noise every other hour, and the sound of my fridge making a weird buzzing noise.

Closest Distance- My own breath, the squeak of my bed, and the taping of my key board.

Sound Description- Peaceful and tranquil, good for getting work done.

Important Sounds- The wind and the downstairs heater the the most promenade sounds at the moment.

Jingle Jangle Keys and Locks

Location- Outside my dorm room in the main hall, Hague house in the Netherlands North side.

Sounds in Clip- The jungle of keys, the scrape of metal on metal, soft voices in the background of people in the hall, the unlocking of the door, and the click lock of the dead bolt.    

The Room Where Homework Happens #3


Farthest Sound- The dripping of rain from the gutters on the roof, and of the rain falling down into the drain, a large truck just passed by as well as a plane.

Medium Distance- Students walking back into their dorm, there is a path right next to my. window that people tend to use quite often.

Closest Distance- The rap tap tapping of my key board, as well as the pop pop popping of my highly messed up back/spine. 

General Sound Level- a good sound level to work comfortably in, not to loud but not deathly quite either.

Sound Description- Quite… Perhaps too quiet… 

Important Sounds- Rain dripping and hitting the ground, cars going vroom on the street, my typing as I’m writing this, and students walking outside.