Journal Entry #2

  1. 2/23 – Hofstra Fitness Center 2nd floor – 12:30
  2. Sounds farthest away: The front door opening and closing, people running around the track
  3. Sounds medium distance:  Weights clacking, shoes squeaking in the basketball court
  4. Sounds closest to me: Cardio machines working, the music on the radio
  5. General sound level: Loud
  6. One word to describe sound environment: Chaotic
  7. Three important sounds: Cardio machines, music, weights

2nd Journal Entry

Feb 21st, 2025 – 4:05 pm – Ceramics Art Room

Far Sounds: The wind moves the branches softly, hitting the windows from outside.

Medium Sounds: Two girls in the glaze room chatting softly, painting their art pieces, a woman needing the clay on a table behind me

Closest Sounds: My phone is quietly playing “How To Train Your Dragon” on my left side, and the small turn table squeaks as I move my clay sculpture, carving into it.

General Sound Level: Low volume and light footwork

One word describing the Sound Environment: Calm

Three Important Sounds: Minimal Chattering, needing clay on table, and the squeaky turn table


Sound Journal #2


  1. 2/21/25 10:25 AM Psibrary
  2. Sounds farthest away: dancing
  3. Sounds at a medium distance: doors opening every so often
  4. Sounds nearest to me: Keyboard clicking, music playing on phone, hum of heating
  5. The general sound level: quiet and peaceful
  6. One word to describe sound environment : calm
  7. Three important sounds: music playing, keyboard typing, slight hum of heating

Journal Entry #2

  1.  2/21 – 6:14pm – my dorm room
  2. distant creaking, people moving, the click and creaking of a door closing and opening
  3. the sound of my heater, a low faint whirring sound
  4. the sound of my breathing, the clicks from keyboard typing, applause and cheering from the tv
  5. the general sound is very low and muted
  6. steady
  7. the sound of the heater, the sound of the tv, the sound of typing

Journal entry #2

drama 20 journal

I’m at a house with some people chilling it’s 5:30 2/21/25

  1. Sounds farthest away: the wind hitting the blinds the water running
  2. Sounds medium range: people talking in the house the water faucet running and hearing sizzling meat on a pan
  3. Sounds closet: my friend talking to me and free styling
  4. The general sound level is really medium nothing to load but also kind of I hear people talking and music playing
  5. One word description of the “sound environment”: calm and homey just a chill space
  6. I can here music playing people talking and people parking up some plates and someone coming up from the stairs

Journal Entry #2

  1. 02/20 – 4:00 – Student Center
  2. Farthest: Music on speakers, food being made and students ordering
  3. Medium: People talking at tables, chairs/tables being shifted or moved and crinkling of food wrappers
  4. Closet: Friends talking at my table, people eating and food being moved around the table
  5. General sound level: Very loud
  6. Buzzing
  7. People ordering food, chairs/tables being shifted and music on speaker

Journal Entry #2

1- February 21, 2024. Starbucks in Student center at 8:51 am

2- Chairs moving, keys jingling, someone talking in a high-pitched voice to a dog

3- Starbucks workers talking, customer talking in Spanish to another worker, footsteps

4- Music from speaker, buzz from speaker, soft conversations at tables, a drink with ice being made

5- Medium

6- Human

7- Music, people talking, drinks being made

Journal Entry #2

2/20/2025- 9:59pm- Pride Den

2) Far sounds: The vending machine, the doors swinging open and close, faint laughter
3) Medium Sounds: Pages turning, Tables being moved (scarping sound) People’s keychains, Bookbag zipping open/closing
3) Close sounds: Girls laughing, whispering, keyboard typing, Container opening
5) The general sound level is noisy. It is loud in here.
6) The sound environment is high in energy.

7) One word to describe the sound environment is colorful

8) Three important sounds, Talking, laughing, Doors opening/closing