Max’s journal entry

1- 3/19/15 – millennium hotel

2- there is the faint sound of a siren from what sounds like a fire

3- I can hear people in the hallways as well as doors opening and closing
4- The hvac is on and there is an occasional cough or sound of movement from other people in the room.
5- Quiet
6- Peaceful

7- hvac, the sounds of the other people in the room, occasional sound from the hallway.

Add your first name as a tag. Add appropriate tags to the post (location, sounds, etc.).


Journal Entry

11:34 p.m. 3/19/2015

Farthest away: Cars in the parking lot, a motorcycle on the turnpike, a flagpole rope whipping against a flagpole

Medium distance:  my roommate eating chips as loud as humanly possible, my radiator making an alarming kind of ticking noise, people talking in the common room below me, wind howling outside my window

Closest: my fingers typing on my computer, my sighs of frustration at my roommate eating chips as loud as humanly possible, my phone vibrating

The sound level has been the same for a while. No one’s really talking and i’m just trying to focus on the ambient noises from outside, instead of my roommate eating chips

one word: frustration

three sounds: crunching, typing, cars driving

Journal Entry: White Noise in Modern Drama II

Royston’s voice is only ONE of the interesting things you can hear in class.

3/19/15, 3pm, Breslin Hall

Farthest: Cars outside in parking lot, a couple guys laughing about something in the hallway, someone’s leg shaking out of restlessness in the front row.
Medium: Royston talking about Expressionism, someone’s iPod (which they forgot to turn off) playing an undiscernible yet audible song from their bag, a row in front of me.
Closest: My chair squeaking (UGH), Anna and Kelly (both sitting next to me) trying to giggle as quietly as possible, Paige’s pen writing on paper.

Royston’s voice remained at a consistent level, and all the surrounding noises fluctuated from nearly silent to about half the volume of Royston.

One Word Description: Restless.

Three sounds: Royston lecturing, chair squeaking, stifled giggling

Max’s Journal Entry

1- 3/3/15 -2:12-Emily Lowe Hallway

2- I can hear people speaking in the drama office and I can also hear the geese on the green outside.
3- People are talking in the psibrary and people are basically shouting in the drounge.
4- The door keeps opening and closing as people enter and exit emily lowe, people are walking up and down the stairs.
5- Very loud today.
6- Busy
7- The talking coming from the drounge and psibrary with the occasional door opening.


Journal Entry Number 4

1. Bits 12:30 February 25th

2. Farthest-refrigerator humming, slight murmurs

3. Medium-shoes clacking on ground, a door opening and shutting

4. Closest-a very loud group screaming, the sound of chewing from my friend, bottle as it hits the table

5. Sounds all mush and blend together to create an obnoxious roar

6. Three essential sounds-loud group, shoes clacking, door opening and closing

7. One word-annoying



Max’s Journal Entry

1- 2/26/15 11:30pm Emily Lowe Design Studio

2- Taylor speaking on the other side of the room and the door’s constant opening and closing.
3- Patrick is talking and cutting things. You can hear his ruffling with paper.
4- The sound of my paintbrush as I paint.
5- There is a lot going on right now and hard to pick out any one sound. There is also music playing.
6- Busy.
7- Music, talking, door’s opening and closing.


Journal Entry

1. Walking home 2/19/2015

2. Farthest – cars on the turnpike, cars on Westbury Ave grinding their tires through salt and ice, a NICE bus starting up and pulling away, car horns in the far distance

3. Medium range – boots crunching on the snow, my friends walking ahead of me talking, slipping of shoes on the ice, a thud as someone falls down, and subsequent assorted curses

4. Close range – i become intensely aware of my own labored breathing, my waterproof coat zip zip zipping as i walk, my keys rattling in my backpack, the zippers on my backpack cling-ing together

5. A modern-day arctic exploration. The sounds of the ice and snow crunching and cracking, as well as the sounds my friends and I made as we struggled to walk home really contributed to the “Long Island Ice Hell” of it all.

6. One word – frigid

7. Three essential sounds – snow crunching, ice scraping, people breathing

Journal Entry: The lights go down and the curtain is ready to ascend

Golden Theatre, 7:02pm, 2/19/15: A 7pm performance of “A Delicate Balance” on Broadway

Farthest: Sirens from outside, the soft tread of actors’ feet on the stage behind the curtain. A woman down in the orchestra section seems to fancy herself a big star and laughs heartily so the whole room hears her.

Medium: A woman twenty feet away from us asking quite loudly if the people sitting in front of her can “sit back a bit, please.” An impatient usher giving directions to the bathroom. Hushed chitchat about what the show might be about, or about what celebrities might be in attendance tonight.

Closest: The stranger on my left is taking his sweet time unwrapping his Kit-Kat and the sound is driving me CRAZY. Michael gushes to me over how excited he is to see Glenn Close onstage. The person directly behind us has forgotten to turn his phone off — it rings loudly, and he scrambles to find it buried deep in his bag.

Sound levels: generally people trying to keep their volume down and not draw attention to themselves as the show was just about to begin. last-minute arranging and chitchat before the houselights go down.

One word: Tingling

3 essentials: Unwrapping a candy bar, hushed chitchat, cell phone ringing & subsequent fumbling.

Journal Entry Number 3

1. Axinn Library 2/19/15, 1:45

2. Farthest-Air running, birds chirping, murmured voices, elevator dinging

3. Medium-rattling of the window due to wind, doors opening and closing, heavy exasperated sounding footsteps

4. Closest-bag crackling, vibrations of someone’s phone on the table

5. Everything is very sporadic, some sounds such as the air are continuous, others like the voices, bag crackling and door opening and closing interrupt the quiet.

6. One Word-unrest

7. Three essential sounds-bag crackling, footsteps, and the rattling of the window