Journal Entry: White Noise in Modern Drama II

Royston’s voice is only ONE of the interesting things you can hear in class.

3/19/15, 3pm, Breslin Hall

Farthest: Cars outside in parking lot, a couple guys laughing about something in the hallway, someone’s leg shaking out of restlessness in the front row.
Medium: Royston talking about Expressionism, someone’s iPod (which they forgot to turn off) playing an undiscernible yet audible song from their bag, a row in front of me.
Closest: My chair squeaking (UGH), Anna and Kelly (both sitting next to me) trying to giggle as quietly as possible, Paige’s pen writing on paper.

Royston’s voice remained at a consistent level, and all the surrounding noises fluctuated from nearly silent to about half the volume of Royston.

One Word Description: Restless.

Three sounds: Royston lecturing, chair squeaking, stifled giggling