Journal Entry 3

2/11/17 – 11:15pm – Alliance RSR booth (work)

far sounds- people talking, *beep* of the elevator reaching the main floor, laundry room door open/close

medium sounds- exit door open/close, footsteps

close sounds- *beep* of someone being accepted into the building, hum of the ventilation system above me, turnstile

overall level- low

descriptive word- quiet

3 important noises- doors opening/closing, turnstile, *beep* of someone being accepted into the building

Sound Journal #1 (Ezra)

  1. 2015-01-29, 3:28 pm, RSR booth in Netherlands South
  2. farthest: Group of girls sitting on the couches and talking. “Are we gonna study or party? Study!” The sliding door between me and them cuts their conversation between crystal clear and incoherently muffled. Other groups talking as they leave and enter the Netherlands Core. Very faintly, the sliding of the door to outside. Cars honking.
  3. medium: Sliding front door, IDs swiping through the reader & the following beep, turnstile unlocking and turning, sliding back door. Sliding back door, swinging push door behind me, swinging push door to my left, sliding front door. Residents talking throughout, their conversations circling around me.
  4. close: High-pitched wine of the security footage on a tube TV (the volume depends on which way I turn my head). Hum of heating system. Different, subtle hum of electronics—not a whine, definitely a hum. Typing as I write this. My breathing is silent.
  5. sound level: varying. Almost shockingly loud as residents come through. Almost silent and very lulling when there’s no one around.
  6. one word: erratic.
  7. three sounds: sliding doors, ID swipe & following beep, and audible/discernible conversation.

Sound Journal #9

1- Wednesday, April 2, 2014 1:30 PM Graphic Design Lab Room 220, Calkins Hall, Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY, 11549 USA, North America, Earth, Milky Way Galaxy, Local Cluster, Observable Universe

2- Identify and list the sounds farthest away from you.

  • Someone walking in the hall
  • Professor Ocko teaching in the room next door.

3- Identify and list the sounds at a medium range from you.

  • My boss talking to another professor
  • Someone opening the door
  • Printer printing things

4- Identify and list the sounds closest to you (You can include internal sounds if noticed or relevant).

  • Soft music from my computer
  • Typing
  • Hum of my computer

5- Describe the general sound level and amount of sound activity.

The room is quiet per usual, but a bit louder from the whirring of the printer.

6- Assign a one word description to the “sound environment”.


7- Select and list 3 sounds which are essential to the sound environment.

  • Printer
  • Boss conversation
  • Ocko teaching


Journal Entry #1

1. 1/28/12, 10:31pm, Constitution Lounge

2. Motorcycle accelerating on the street outside

3. People talking, music playing, doors closing, elevator beeping

4. Water streaming down pipes and gurgling, typing, computer fan, sighing

5. The sound level is generally low to medium low, but there is a large amount of activity.

6. Productive

7. Typing, people talking, doors closing