1. 2/27/14, 3:00pm, Hammer Lab
2. Identify and list the sounds closest to you:
- The clicking of my keyboard
- My stomach churning
- The vibration of my phone when receiving a text
3. Identify the sounds at medium range from you:
- The sound of wind against the window
- The printers beeping and making noises
- Various typing sounds
4. Identify the sounds farthest from you:
- A small conversation from the other corner of the room
- The opening and closing of the far door
5. Describe the general sound level and amount of sound activity:
The sound level is hushed but the activity is very high. There are conversations and a lot of sounds happening but no one sound is dominating the space.
6. Assign one word to describe the sound environment:
7. Select three sounds that are essential to the sound environment:
- Keyboards
- The printers
- The conversation from across the room