Location: My living room at home
Sounds heard: Music from video game, clicks of XBOX controller, prismo (my cat) sniffing the hell out of the phone, cars in the far distance, creaks of the house as people walk.
Location: My living room at home
Sounds heard: Music from video game, clicks of XBOX controller, prismo (my cat) sniffing the hell out of the phone, cars in the far distance, creaks of the house as people walk.
Location: between HofUSA and Dutch Treats
Sounds heard: slight wind/air, sirens, a car horn honking, distant and muffled voices
Location: A friend’s car, driving across campus
Sounds: The car speeding up and slowing down, a jacket moving repeatedly, people shifting positions, the driver’s shoes squeaking on the brakes and accelerator, muffled laughter, keys jingling quietly, windshield wipers
Sounds heard: distant voices and laughter, plastic containers opening, rustling and clanking of items on the metal table, light breeze, birds chirping.
disclaimer: voices on the video have consented to be recorded in advanced.
Location: Bench in front of Davidson Hall
Sounds: Airplane flying overhead, Students going to next class, Bike rack/Lock, Door Opening and Closing
Location: Merrick Avenue Athletic Center – volleyball courts
Sounds Heard: Shoes squeaking on the floor, volleyballs hitting arms, hands, and bouncing off the floor with varying intensity. Close female voices yelling and communicating, far male voices also yelling and laughing (all reverberating in the space). Footsteps thudding across the plastic flooring, some closer than others.
Location: Shore of Long Beach, New York
Sounds heard: Small ocean waves, big ocean waves, sand grinding against the speaker, sweater rubbing against speaker.
Location: Hofstra University, just outside Emily Lowe Hall
Sounds Heard: the Hofstra shuttle breaking then passing by, the Hofstra gardeners raking the leaves
Location: Nicole’s Bedroom
Audio PlayerLocation: My House’s Backyard
Audio Player