- February 3rd, 2017 12:23 a.m.-My dorm
- Far sounds: people hitting something against the wall outside my building, people yelling and talking, music playing from someones car
- Medium Sounds: my roommate taking a shower and listening to different music
- Close sounds: the Golden State Warriors basketball game, game commentators talking
- Sound level: Medium
- Environment: Chaotic
- Essential Sounds: Car radio, roommates music, sports casters
Tag Archives: Sports?
Field Recording 5
Liberty Hall at 21:40, 2012-03-08
The laundry machines around the corner
Colin Creegan and Sarah Mori talking about sports ( A topic I don’t understand)
A freshman playing harmonica (Your typical collage instrument to get all of the ladies, So I’m told)
Adam Patrick Seeman being impressed.
Somebody meowing (?)
People clapping for the freshman’s harmonica playing abilities
A typical night in Liberty Hall.