Journal Entry 3

1- February 11, Res Hall Lounge, 5:45pm

2- Footsteps upstairs and down the hall, but very little going on “further away” in the sound environment

3- Pan sizzling in the kitchen, music playing and female singing along in harmony, cupbards closing with a bump and utensils being set down

4- HVac humming softly, the chatter of a group of  people standing around waiting to leave for dinner – they are waiting for a few more people, but complaining idly that they are taking too long, shuffling, putting on shoes and coats, etc.

5- The general sound level is at a warm buzz and the sound activity is at perhaps a medium high – even though there isn’t a ton going on the atmosphere is active.

6- Animated

7- Music playing in the kitchen, the pan sizzling and the overlapping conversations of the waiting people