Posts Tagged ‘open dress’
Here is the field recording to match my journal entry of the girl’s dressing room.
1. Girl’s Dressing Room, NAB, Thursday, April 3, 2014, 7:27 pm.
2. Identify the sounds furthest from you: Faint music coming from the row of mirrors furthest from ours, we’re the first one when you enter the dressing room. The toilet flushes in the bathroom.
3. Identify the sounds at a medium range: Creepy Don Juan intro music coming from the intercom speaker across from our row of dressing tables. Rachel announces 15 minutes to warm-ups.
4. Identify the sounds closest to you: I’m playing Dave Matthews Band while Rita, Laura Walsh, Laura Erle, Deanna, and Kelli Spellman talk about our hair, makeup, boobs, boys, and the show. Hair spray and the sound of makeup covers hitting the table.
5. General sound activity and level: the level is loud and the activity is chaotic as sixteen girls scramble to get ready for open dress.
6. Word to describe sound environment: Chaotic.
7. Three sounds that complete sound environment:
– Don Juan intro music from intercom.
– Talking at the back of the dressing room.
– Music and talking in my row.