Journal Entry #6 – Ferguson

1. Date: 3/4/20 – Time: 11:45am – Location: Jersey Mikes

2. The sounds that I can hear furthest away from me are the sound coming from the television, as well as the customers talking as they are ordering their food.  Also, I can slightly hear a beeping noise coming from an appliance in the kitchen.

3. The sounds that I can hear in the medium range involve the doors being opened/closed as people are entering/leaving, and people talking to each other as they are walking in.  Moreover, I can hear the cashier’s voice as they inform the customers of the total cost of the orders.

4. The sounds closest to me are my friends talking and laughing with each other, and them sipping their beverages from their straws.  I can hear the crumbling of wrappers as we all pick up our food, bite into them, and munch on them.

5. The general sound level is moderately loud since there is a good amount of sound activity taking place throughout the building.

6. One word to describe the “sound environment” is “casual”.

7. Three sounds that are essential to the “sound environment” are my friends and I talking and laughing with each other, sipping our beverages, and munching out food.

Journal Entry #1 – Brennan

When & Where: 01/30/20 8:34pm Netherlands Core

Far Sounds: Music playing, dancers talking and laughing, shuffling of clothes, occasional laughter, a door opening and closing, impacts, someone speaking another language, kitchen staff yelling order numbers

Medium Sounds: Squeaking of leather seats, conversation, a television show playing, keys jingling, footsteps, Velcro ripping, jacket zippers, beeps from the food ordering terminals

Close Sounds: A Different conversation, chair legs squeaking against the floor, someone on the phone

General Level: Medium, occasionally gets louder as different groups walk to and fro and the television commercials come on.

One-word Description: Casual

Essential Three Sounds: Overlapping conversations, footsteps, television

Jornal Entry #1 (Klara Gribetz)

  1. 1/31/16 , 5:55pm, my house
  2. Farthest: Roommate’s rap music, muffled conversation and footsteps
  3. Medium: Shower running
  4. Closest: Sound of heater next to my bed, sound of typing on computer
  5. Sound Level: (low) although there are multiple sounds the louder ones are muffled by distance and closed doors, and the closer ones are relatively quiet
  6. One word: Casual
  7. 3 words: heater, shower, roommate