Journal Entry 9

1. April 4, 11:07 pm, 7th floor of Vander Poel

2. Radiator hum, door opening down the hall

3. Music from friend’s laptop, talking, laughter, shoes tapping on floor

4. Keyboard, waterbottle

5. The sound level is fluctuating. There are short bursts of increased volume, only for it to quiet down soon after.

6. Playful

7. Music, talking, laughter

Journal Entry #2

1. February 9, 2012 10:55 in front of Vander Poel Hall.

2. The humming of a generator, students speaking at Dutch Treats and Kate and Willies, cars outside of the grounds.

3. Cars driving around the parking lot, the opening and closing of the door to the surrounding buildings, a bike speeding past, a plastic bag shuffling.

4. Footsteps of the person next to me, the clinking of the metal on their boots, the click of the doors unlocking when a card is swiped.

5. The general sound level is quiet.  It’s pretty late on a school night, so not much activity is about.

6. Calm.

7. The generator humming, the cars passing in the parking lot, and the footsteps.