Location: NY Subway
Sounds heard: people talking, doors closing, subway chime, rails screeching, wind howling, wheels squeaking
Location: NY Subway
Sounds heard: people talking, doors closing, subway chime, rails screeching, wind howling, wheels squeaking
Date: February 6
Location: LHCOMM Equipment Room
Far Sounds: People walking past, equipment cases rolling in the hall
Medium Sounds: People talking at the window, music playing from a computer, email notification
Close Sounds: Person next to me drinking soda, typing from computer, sliding backpack on table
Sound Description/Level: If this sound were a hypothetical “scene” in a play or movie, it is more casual underlying chatter rather than something too powerful and loud. It’s easy to tune in and out without getting lost in the conversation.
One Word: chill ?
Most Important Sounds: People talking at the window, computer playing music