Location: My Dorm Room (Alliance Hall) — Thursday, April 25, 2013, 10:14 am
Sounds Heard: My good friend came over to do homework with the night before, and she fell asleep in my room. I woke up early to keep working, and she was breathing very calmly. The way people breathe when they are fully asleep is very interesting, as an automatic body function. I could never fake this rhythm as a kid to convince my mom I was sleeping. I also wanted to test the microphone on my iPhone and see if it would pick up any of the traffic or birds outside. It’s great at picking up soft, close sounds like breathing, but doesn’t seem to catch anything from outside.
(I got her permission to upload a creepy clip of her breathing.)
Bonus Recording!
Location: Social Sports Kitchen — Friday, April 19, 2013, 12:11 am
I was having a few drinks with friends and decided to take out my phone to record the barflies singing along to the music. This clip is funny to me because, without fail, whenever I tell people that I am recording sounds for class, someone says, “Kat, put your shirt back on!” I even used one such recording a couple weeks ago, from my improv rehearsal.