- February 8, 2023, 12:47 pm, Student Center
- – Clanging and sounds of machinery used at starbucks (possibly the microwave or coffee machine
– air conditioning overhead and behind
– beeps of the checkout scanner at my 10 oclock
– sound of metal utensils (ladle or spatula) being dropped
-chatter (unintelligible) to my far right and left. Large quantity
3. – Wheeled bins rolling around
– conversations (2-5) from people standing in line waiting for sushi or starbucks or in the pathway to the food court
-the sound of shuffling feet as people walk by
-chairs being pushed in and out
-sushi chefs stirring something in a pot or scraping some sort of metal pot or sheet
4. – people talking (very clearly. 1-3 conversations) behind me and to my left and right.
– chairs being pushed in and out
– people passing behind me
– People bumping into my board
– someone banging on the table in laughter
– group laughter to my right
-clinking of silverware
– sounds of me typing
-sounds of me chewing my food and swallowing
-sounds of me sighing intermittently
-someone making whale sounds behind me
-s0meone with a valley ish dialect talking behind and to my left
-fridge or metal cabinet door closing
5. Sound level is not loud per say, but it is a cacophony of many medium to light volume sounds. It sounds extremely busy, a lot of sounds moving in different directions. A lot of dynamic sounds all at once.
6. Populated
7. Clanging of machinery, close conversations, far chatter