Journal Entry #1- Gabby Macallister

Date: February 11th, 2022

Location and Time: Hempstead, NY (home) 3:24pm

Far Sounds: Car coming to a screeching stop, Hofstra bus driving around campus, car driving by my house, the house creaking from someone moving around upstairs, car engines revving at set of lights that are close by my house, police siren, someone honking their horn, truck backing up

Medium Sounds: People throwing wood on top of other wood, construction car moving, people talking about construction, front door closing, Mishka (dog) running down the stairs, wind chimes from my next door neighbors chimes, geese flying over, fire department alarm that is going off that sounds like the world is ending

Close Sounds: Leaves rustling on the ground, wind making the branches on the trees shake, tree sounding creaky, birds chirping in the trees, someone dropping stuff off in the kitchen, wind making the screen door shake and hit into the sliding glass window

Sound Description/Level: calm, this is what it normally sounds like outside, especially with the wind. Very homey vibes and relaxing

One Word: serene

Most Important Sounds: Leaves rustling, wind chimes going, car engine revving, wood being thrown on top of other wood, end of the world sounding alarm going off


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