Journal Entry 6-Juliana Battaglia

Friday, April 23rd, 2021 at 2:00pm

Location: Island Rock rock climbing gym in Plainview

Farthest Sounds: The front desk associate speaking with incoming members, people talking and trainers speaking to the trainees, the chiming of the bell on the front door as it swung open and closed.

Medium Sounds: People walking around on the safety mats, the clapping of hands with gripping powder, the music heard overhead.

Closest Sounds: My feet digging into the grips on the walls, my hands scraping the grips, people plunging to the mat below, the jingling of my keys in my pocket as I climbed. 

Sound Description / Level: Loud and energetic. Every sound contributed to the active energy of the climbers in the room.

Important Sounds: People plunging down to the mats, the clapping of hands with powder, my feet digging into the wall grips.

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