Sound Journal Observation Entry #6 – Dylan Pojano

4/23/2021, 9:31 pm, the balcony in the Student Center

Sounds farthest away to me: People walking to and from the unispan, some occasionally stopping to order from Brooklyn Slice. Brooklyn Slice, exhausted but not relenting, continuously cooks pizza after pizza, slapping in a new pizza in the blasting oven, just for the poor hungry souls of the students of Hofstra.

Sounds at a medium range to me: A trash bin is wheeled around from the restaurants that are closed, picking up the thin plastic bags of garbage from each one. The Starbucks floors are being cleaned of all the hectic non stop orders they receive. First an old broom removes the floor of any hair and crumbs, and then an audibly damp mop is used to remove all the spilled drinks that have long since dried up. Then they finally close and lock up the creaky metal walls of all the restaurants, allowing them to rest until tomorrow’s busy day.

Sounds closest to me: Sitting not too far from me are some of my friends, as they laugh and talk about whatever is happening to them in life. As I sit and tap away at my computer, eager to join them, as I pound away at the keys as if it were their fault.

The general sound level and amount of sound activity: An above average sound level, but the overall amount of sound activity is high as there is so much going on, even though it appears as though there isn’t.

One word description to the “sound environment”: Moribund

Three sounds which are essential to the sound environment: Large squeaky bins, brooms sweeping, and metal walls being locked up.

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