Sound Journal 2

1. February 9, 2012

9:30 PM sitting alone in Emily Lowe, 201

2. People talking below the window as they smoke on the front steps of the building.  The general hum of the buildings equipment somewhere below.

3. Footsteps in the Hall, then down the stairs.  A sing running, then paper towels in the bathroom down the hall.  Doors opening throughout the building.

4. My laptop’s fan.  The click of the hard drive occasionally.  When there are no other noises, the tick of my watch on my wrist.

5.  It is all ambient noises—nothing in particular standing out, especially when the conversations (which I can’t even distinguish) cease.

6. Still.

7. The hum of the building equipment, the whirr of my laptop’s fan, and the ever occasional noise of people moving in the hall.

Journal Entry 3

1) 2/17/11- 3:33 am- My Dorm Room

2) Very faint rumble of car passing by, car alarm going off, very low foot step noises

3) My roommate rustling around and breathing hard (trying to go to sleep), His lips smacking,

4) My stomach growling, my heart beating, my computer fan, and quiet typing.

5) The sound level is very low and there is little to none in terms of sound activity.

6)  Still

7)  Silence, faint rustling, being able to hear your own heart beat.