Journal Entry 2

  1. Spiegel Theater, Friday February 23. 11:56 am
  2. Furthest away from me- distant fan in the Spiegel, Caitlyn and Katie’s scripts crinkling/ pages turning, Caitlyn and Katie sharing their lines, Omar speaking
  3. Medium Range- pens from my classmates clicking, occasional coughing, Jess’s keyboard tapping
  4. Closest to me- my own breath, my chair creaking
  5. Sound level- l0w. There aren’t lots of overlapping sounds
  6. One word description- Academic
  7. Essential sounds- Spiegel fan, Omar’s voice, pages turning

Spiegel Theatre Waiting for Class to Start

Date/Location: 3-16-17, 3:45pm, Spiegel Theatre

Far sounds: someone walking towards the Spiegel, Spiegel door open/close, someone walking in back of Spiegel

Medium sounds: heating vent, clicking of Tia’s laptop, Jack R. moving in his seat, squeaking chairs, Drew humming

Close sounds: Tia arguing about the annexation of Hawaii, Jack and Drew replying to Tia, Jack reading something out loud from Twitter

Level: medium

Descriptive word: debates

3 important noises: Tia, Jack, and Drew talking, heating vent, squeaking chairs

Journal Entry

1- 4/19/12, 7:56PM, Spiegel Theatre.

2- The front doors opening and closing, a humming.

3-The actors talking backstage, people talking in the audience.

4- My phone ringing, Chloe speaking next to me, my chair squeaking as I shift weight.

5- Sound level is low and the sound activity is minimal.

6- Anticipation.

7- The humming, the audience talking, the chair squeaking.