Friday, March 12th 2021 4:32pm

Location: Sitting under the sky light in my bedroom.

Farthest Sounds: the whistling of the wind, the sound of traffic a few streets over

Medium Sounds: our neighbors dribbling the basketball outside in the driveway, the sound of our front door opening and closing, birds chirping in the tree outside my window 

Closest Sounds: Emily and her boyfriend laughing at the tv in the next room, the hum of my mini fridge by my bed, the sound of my space heater turning on, the flickering of my candle on my bedside table

Sound Description / Level: peaceful/ambiance – I feel very relaxed. Not one sound is extremely louder than the other. I enjoy white noise, so I am at ease. 

Important Sounds: the bird songs overlapping with the wind, the hum from my electronics turning on