Field Recording 9

Listen to

2012-04-01 14:09 next to CPK in the student center


Refrigerator display & Vending machines vibrating

People moving around, talking, coughing, etc

:01 Finger brushing mic

:15 woman’s keys as she walks across the room

:19 plates being stacked

:25 somebody hitting tray against the counter to knock remaining food into trash.

Journal Entry 8

1- 12:30 in the student center waiting for pizza

2- Siren of police car on Hempstead Tpk, somebody using the Pride Print down the hall, main automatic door opening and closing
3- TV running by the main cafeteria, general kitchen noise from CPK, Zombie people running around.
4- Drunk conversations from people who don’t have friday classes, guy next to me slurping a drink.
5- It’s rather annoying here tonight.  Too many people moving around.  I just want to get my dinner and go home.
6- Obnoxious
7- Zombie people, Kitchen noise, drunk people.