Posts Tagged ‘Antony & Cleopatra’
1) 9:19PM, 3/14/2013, Large Men’s Dressing Room of Adams Playhouse
2) Doors opening, toilet flushing
3) The speaker giving an audio feed of the show as it goes on (Zach screaming “Gods and goddesses!”), the air conditioner, the door into and out of the room closing shut
4) Me tapping my feet, someone eating snacks (later discovered to be “Combos”), other cast members talking about Oreos and the character Mardian
5) The general sound level is decently high, with a lot of activity between the numerous people in here and the speaker and A/C
6) Backstage
7) The speaker which an Assistant Stage Manager is talking on now, the fellow cast members talking about random stuff, the A/C
Location: 2/28/13, Adams Playhouse, 9:47PM
Sounds: People laughing, talking, loud noise of door slamming shut, Max Seijas and I talking about my shoes made of camel from Israel (they are so cool! But I feel terrible wearing them…).
This is what breaks are like for actors. Mindless chatting about camel shoes.