Sound Journal #5

  1. 25 Feb 2015, 7:23 pm, my house
  2. farthest away: cars on the secondary street and on my side street/cul-de-sac, wind against the roof and the trees
  3. medium distance: furnace running, pipes ticking (the system needs to be bled), house-mates talking animatedly upstairs, the printer is running, the toilet just flushed
  4. closest: the clock on the wall, coat swishing, gentle taps on my phone screen, Shane breathing and typing, creaking floorboards above me (more house-mates)
  5. general sound level: medium. amount of sound activity: intermittent
  6. one word: familiar
  7. three sounds: floorboards, clock ticking, cars in the distance

Sound Journal #3

1 – 2/13/14 – 6:20pm – Home, Centereach

2 – Identify and list the sounds farthest away from you.
-Dad listening to The Beatles on the computer, specifically “Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da.”
-A subtle clang as Mom placed a pot cover on a pot.
-Mom taking the casserole dish out of the oven.
-Both the kitchen fan and bathroom fan running.

3 – Identify and list the sounds at a medium range from you.
-The clicking of the bathroom door closing suddenly.
-Mom’s footsteps as she walks down the hallway.

4 – Identify and list the sounds closest to you.
-House Hunters playing somewhat loudly on the TV.
-The constant ringing of the house phone.
-Footage from the latest Nintendo Direct presentation playing through my headphones on the PC.
-Me drumming my fingers on the desk.

5 – Describe the general sound level and amount of sound activity.
-It sounds like a normal night around dinner time at my house. Appliances are running at the usual volume and rate while dinner is being prepared, and I’m just lounging around.

6 – Assign a one word description to the “sound environment”.

7 – Select and list 3 sounds which are essential to the sound environment.
-The sounds of the pot cover.
-The casserole dish being taken out of the oven.
-The repetitious ringing of the phone.

Journal Entry #10

1) 3/29/13, 1:28pm, my house

2) The cars passing on the highway behind my house, the road out front, some very irritating television show being watched way too loud downstairs.

3) My mom sanding the stairs, swearing at the stairs, giving up on the stairs and sighing, and sanding again. The creaking of the old stairs every time she moves. Dave coughing in the room next door.

4) My typing and sneezing, my cat attempting to find a comfortable position in one of the moving boxes I’m supposed to be packing.

5) The sound level is medium, with a lot of different activity.

6) Typical

7) The television, my mom ranting about something, the cat making general noise.

Journal Entry #9

1) 3/28/13, my bedroom at home, 11:42pm

2) The movement of cars on the highway behind my house, branches hitting each other in the wind.

3) The movement of the occasional car in the street right next to my house, the general creaking of my house and its heaters.

4) My cat snoring on my dresser, my other cat knocking things down outside my room, the water pipes in the wall next to my bed.

5) The sound level is extremely low, but there is a decent amount of sound activity.

6) Familiar

7) The cars in the highway outside, the creaking of my house, my cat snoring.