Sound Journal 6

Date: 5/17/22

Location and Time: 8:15 pm, my bedroom

Far Sounds: wind, cars driving past, occasional honking, faint crickets

Medium Sounds: distant voices from the living room, tv in the living room, occasional footsteps, occasional stairs creaking

Close Sounds: sniffling, rapid typing, windows rattling with a loud gust of wind, occasional cough

Sound Description/Level: rather quiet, primarily the sounds of working, with the sound of people in the distance

One Word: focused

Sound Journal 5

Date: 5/17/22

Location and Time: 9:30 pm, the Student Center

Far Sounds: distant metal clanking, far voices, whirring fans

Medium Sounds: sizzling from pans, footsteps, beeping, metal scraping

Close Sounds: clamor of voices, laughing, arguing, complaining, pop music playing

Sound Description/Level: rather chaotic, a mix of different noises that place you firmly in a food court like environment, primarily the sounds of people getting dinner and the sounds of cooking

One Word: cluttered

Sound Journal 4

1- 4/1/22, 9:20 pm, a college house living room

2- Far Sounds: steady wind, laundry clanging in the basement
3- Medium Sounds: shuffling and shifting on furniture, cars driving by
4- Close Sounds: lo-fi beats, periodic sighing, keyboard clacking, periodic talking about miscellaneous subjects
5- Sound Activity and Level: a low to mid level of sound activity at a low sound level, with the occasional medium spike due to conversations
6- One Word: Focused
7- 3 Essential Sounds: Lo-Fi beats, keyboard clacking, conversations

Journal 2

Time/Location: Paper Source, 4:00 pm, 2/25/22

Far Sounds: cars driving past, honking, slight wind, light rain

Medium Sounds: construction from next door (muffled banging and screw guns), clacking key boards, boxes scraping over the ground

Close Sounds: miscellaneous customer conversations, loud contemporary pop music, scanner beeping

Sound Description/Level: Quite loud, always slightly overwhelming but just enough to set you on edge, many different kinds of sounds overlapping each other, conversations rise and fall but the music is a steady volume

One Word Description: hectic

Most important sounds: loud pop music, customer conversations, scanner beeping, and scraping boxes


Journal Entry 1 (2/11/22)

Date: February 11th, 2022

Location and Time: Hempstead, NY (home), 1:00 pm

Far Sounds: light wind, occasional car passing, a man’s voice singing casually (muffled)

Medium Sounds: heavy footsteps upstairs, creaking floorboards, doors periodically squeaking, shutting, and clicking, a vacuum running

Close Sounds: voices on zoom, clacking keyboard, whirring computer

Sound Description/Level: relatively quiet, most sounds are only occasional

One Word: domestic

Most Important Sounds: the clacking keyboard, the footsteps, the singing, the voices