Posts Tagged ‘Hofstra’

  1. My dorm room, Hofstra University, 8:50pm on February 9th, 2017
  2. My roommates chatting in the next room, the faint sound of “Magic Mike” from their TV
  3. The hum of my refrigerator, my roommate snoring in the bed on the other side of the room, the ding of my cellphone
  4. The sounds of chewing, the taps of the keys of my keyboard, my breathing
  5. The general sound level is faint
  6.  Comforting
  7. The TV, my keyboard, and my roommates chatter

Recorded inside my room which is on the 12 floor of a high rise. You can hear the snowflakes hitting the window, which was louder than I expected.

  1. 2/2/17 7:20pm at the Mack Sports Complex
  2. General hum and cheer of the crowd, the squeaking of basketball shoes, the  announcer over the loudspeaker, clapping from home team bench and from other side of the arena.
  3. The pep band, opposing team’s coach’s voice, clapping from away team bench, seats clanking, cheer team chants, swoosh of ball when it goes through the hoop.
  4. Footsteps of people going up and down the aisle, chatter that is more coherent, click of the people behind me taking pictures, the ball being dribbled.
  5. Pretty noisy with lots of activity
  6. Lively
  7. Crowd cheering, basketball shoes squeaking, ball bouncing.



Location: Student Center by the Unispan

Sounds heard: chatter, walking, someone saying “Yes” repeatedly

Listen to

Prof Orr’s math class from the back of the room, 1:00 PM on 2012-05-01


Prof Orr talking about loans and math things

Chalk on the chalkboard

:03 – Sneeze

:04 – Bless You

:12 – people around me moving papers and books

1. 2/23/12  4:30pm Hofstra University Special Collections

2. The sound farthest away from me is the computer playing “I Will Always Love You” by Whitney Houston, and the click-clack of a keyboard.

3. The sounds at a medium range from me are the squeaking of a rolling chair turning back and forth and my coworker on the phone with another department.

4. The sounds closest to me are the whirring and printing sounds of the copy machine as it makes multiple copies at a time and the sounds of me cracking my knuckles and sighing from standing for a long time.

5. The general sound level is moderate and the sound activity is steady.

6. This environment can be described as “productive”.

7. Three sounds essential to the sound environment are the sounds of the copy machine, my coworker on the phone, and the sounds of her keyboard.  These together create the feeling of a busy, productive office.

Sound of the Day


Music: Sunshine Mix HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!

Outro SOTD:


Current Assignments


Take the Final exam on Canvas by 5/15/2024, 10am

Previous Assignment


Project 6 DUE on Canvas by the end of the day on Monday 5/6/2024.

Reminder: Class will not meet on Monday 5/6, work on your project.

This week’s blog entry is a Field Recording, the last blog entry of the semester!

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