Journal Entry #5

1.  Thursday March 1st in the Health and Wellness Center waiting room at 1pm

2.  The sounds furthest away from me are people talking otuside the health and wellness center’s building and people talking in the hall of where all the patiences’ rooms are located.

3. The sounds that are at medium range to me are a woman typing on her computer, another woman is flipping through files, and two other people are whispering behind the reception desk.

4.  The sounds that are closest to me are a girl coughing in the waiting room, a guy is talking to a woman at the reception desk, and the girl to the other side of me is flipping through pages of her magazine.

5.  There is not much going on in the waiting room because of the fact that it is a doctors office.  The office is quiet for the most part, with little going on.

6. “mellow”

7.  The coughing in the waiting room, the guy talking to the woman at the receptionist’s desk, and the flipping pages of a magazine.  This really gives the room the feel of a doctor’s office and those sounds need to be there for the feeling of the environment.

Journal Entry #3

1.  Thursday Feburary 16th at 4pm-Nail Salon at Roosevelt Field Mall

2. The sounds that are farthest away from me are the faint sounds of the escalators moving, people walking by the salon, and people chatting as the walk by the salon.

3.  The sounds that are at medium range to me are the sounds of running water from a woman washing her hands and a nail dryer running.

4.  The sounds that are closest to me are of the workers in the salon that are speaking to one another in a language that I do not understand and the woman sitting next to me is talking on the phone.

5.  Since it is a small place, the sound is circulating around one enclosed area so it gets pretty loud.  There are dyers running and people talking over the dryers, so the sounds are a bit ear-piercing at times.

6.  “noisy”

7.  Nail dryer, workers talking in a language that I do not understand, and the woman talking on the phone.   


Journal Entry #2

1. 2/9/12, 11:27 pm, Colonial Square

2. The sounds farthest away from me are the t.v. playing in the other room and my friends talking loudly. Through the wall in the next suite there is a girl yelling.

3. The sounds at a medium distance away are the jingling sound as someone takes off a belt, and their feet making sound on the tile floor. A chair is pulled out. Mouse clicks are heard.

4. Close to me I can hear the fan-like sound of the HVAC. I also notice how much I am sniffling.

5. The general sound level is somewhat quiet, the sounds are spread out. The sound activity is steady.

6. This environment can be described as “sporadic”.

7. Three sounds essential to the sound environment are my sniffling every so often, the random mouse clicks, and the t.v. going in the background.  These sounds make up what can be considered a “dorm” environment, where there is a mix of productivity and procrastination.

Journal Entry #1

1. Thursday 2/2, 7:00pm-7:30pm, Back of Student Center

2. Doors opening and closing, chairs moving, music playing in the cafe, talking

3. Bottles/food being placed on table, talking, laughter

4. Friends talking, phone vibrating

5. Sound  level and amount of sound pretty high not concert high but high like any other eating location during diner hours. Don’t have to yell when talking to someone close next to you at the table but one has to talk loudly enough so they can hear you

6. Busy

7. talking/laughter, metal chairs moving across linoleum floor, and bottle being put down on the tables

Journal Entry 10

1) 4/7/11-8:00 p.m.-Lobby of Alliance Hall

2) The laundry room door opening and closing, the hum of vending machines, and faint voices coming from outside were the furthest audible sounds.

3) The ding of the elevator, the elevator doors opening and closing, a person putting coins into a jar for Penny Wars, people talking in the RA office, and the sliding entrance doors opening and closing would qualify as medium range sounds.

4) My earrings jingling and my soft breathing would be considered sounds closest to me.

5) The sound level was fairly quiet. The sound activity was low because people do not hang out in the lobby area; people in the lobby are either quickly leaving the building or rushing to the elevator.  The ding of the elevator was the most repetitive sound I heard.

6) Dull

7) Elevator dinging, entrance doors sliding open, and talking in the RA office.