1. 1/29/2014, 7:30 PM, Starbucks on Hempstead Turnpike

2. Identify the sounds farthest from you:  Sitting by the window, I can hear the muffled sounds of the turnpike, as cars (some with reckless drivers going above speed limit) race past the ice-cold glass.  I can also hear the sounds of the parking lot: patrons getting in and out of their cars and walking towards the doors of the store.  The people sitting on the other side of the shop are talking, but the sounds at medium range mask them enough so that I can still hear that people are exchanging words, without understanding their conversation.  I would definitely be able to tell if the baristas, Doug and I were the only people present.

3. Identify the sounds at medium range: The lovely tunes of the Starbucks playlist seems overly prominent, while I focus on listening to my environment in this familiar coffee shop.  The fun and very flamboyant Chinese barista is having an animated conversation with the Spanish barista (who is in an unusually giddy mood).  He sassily asks her, “Do you understand DECAF???” They then continue pronouncing types of coffee in silly, over-exagerated accents.  I enjoy hearing them laugh, and the sense that their shifts are almost over makes me happy for them.  Of course, I can hear the water running in the sink behind the counter, and the baristas cleaning up, while there are no customers ordering.

4. Identify the sounds closest to you: Doug looking up from his homework and asking me “Why?” when he sees me sitting still, with my eyes closed and voice memo recorder on.  Luckily, he assumes it’s homework, and I can continue listening to his squeaky mechanical pencil and surprisingly loud page turns.  I can hear myself swallow down my soy vanilla latte.  I hear the increasingly hollowing sound of my cup as I place it back on the table.  I adjust my hair, and hear the sound of my fingers on my skin above my ear.

5. General sound level and activity:  With my eyes closed, it sounds like Starbucks is exceptionally loud this Wednesday.  There aren’t even many people around me, but the combination of a few conversations in a setting comfortable for the speakers, playful baristas, the tunes, the bustle of the Starbucks kitchen area, my internal sounds and the turnpike outside combine for a general sound environment that doesn’t come across as the best one to focus in.  Part of the reason why I like doing work here so much is that there is some environmental aural business.  There’s company, even when you are working alone.

6. One word to describe the sound environment: Unapologetic 

7. 3 essential sounds to the sound environment: 

– The sounds of the appliances and utensils behind the counter.

– The exaggerated conversation between the baristas.

– The Starbucks music filling the store.



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Music: Sunshine Mix HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!

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