1) 10:20AM, 4/11/2013, Around the Adams Quad
2) Cars going by from the direction of the NAB, people talking by Bits & Bytes
3) More people talking, guttural sounds from the stage combat class, I think, (numerous “ugh”s and “agh”s as people are fighting), the clicks/clops of a skateboard going over the cracks between pieces of the sidewalk
4) Sounds of wheels from a skateboard and the sound of it going over cracks as he passes me by, my own sniffling, people’s footsteps and ambient conversations as they pass by
5) Generally low-medium volume with occasional spikes (often from the “ouch I just got hit” sounds from the stage combat class) and low-medium activity (I don’t think too many people are awake yet, or they’re in class)
6) Jabbing
7) The guttural sounds from the stage combat class, the skateboarder, ambient conversations