Journal Entry # 8


1- Monday 03/18/2013-12:41-Hofstra Blue Beetle.

2- Sounds farthest away: Cars whizzing by outside, the sound originating and terminating from left to right and vice versa on the turnpike, people from outside getting on the bus saying things like “Good afternoon” and “Thank you”, very faint music that sounds far away because it is being played so low.

3- Sounds at medium range: Squeak whenever the bus comes to a halt, general hum/buzz of the engine every time the bus starts from stopping, he picks up the radio to report “bus is leaving _____”.

4- Sounds at closest range: Speed bump causes crash throughout whole bus, the directional sign clicking every time we are going to make a turn, the hiss of the door opening when it stops, his coat rubbing against his chair.

5- General sound level and amount of sound activity: Sound level is very low though there are many things going on in terms of sound activity. The different clinks and clanks of the bus remind me of a well-run machine during its daily routine. It makes me feel reminiscent of a bee in a hive, everyone doing their tasks, being polite and getting where they want to efficiently.

6- One word description to the “sound environment”: Cordial.

7- 3 sounds essential to the sound environment: Squeak whenever the bus comes to a halt, people from outside getting on the bus saying things like “Good afternoon” and “Thank you”, the directional sign clicking every time we are going to make a turn.

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