Journal Entry Devin Gee

1)   3/22/11- 6:15 pm- my friends room in C square.

2)   There are sounds of people talking and passing by outside in the hallway, the window is open so I could hear a person screaming outside, cars passing by, doors opening and closing in the hallway.

3)   Footsteps, bathroom door opening and closing, talking, toilet flush, sink running, super smash music, refrigerator door opening and closing, pouring of water, and opening and closing of drawers.

4)   The TV is on, the noise from the wind coming through the window, typing, people talking at close distance, drawers opening and closing in the room I am in, the sound of someone sleeping (heavy breathing not really snoring), fish tank bubbles and filter noise.

5)   The general sound level is low and the sound activity is pretty minimal except for several small sounds.

6)   Relaxed

7)   Person sleeping, low talking voices, super smash music in the background

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