Location: Lowe 106, 1/30/20 6:52 (right before a rehearsal)
–Close: Laptop keys clicking, soft unknown music barely audible, dropped a phone on the ground, sipping empty iced Starbucks drink (very annoying), chair scooting back
–Medium: Director talking about the script to SM, pages of script turning, water bottle being unscrewed, more laptop keys clicking
–Far: About 20 actors chatting, lots of laughing, shoes dropping and hitting floor, feet stomping, water bottle(?) knocked over (metallic sound of something falling), chairs unstacking and being set on floor, some actress singing Bodack Yellow in monotone voice, script thrown on ground, another singing Mariah Carey All I Want for Christmas, some dancing stomps to the beat of AIWfC, someone making chipmunk squeaking noises???, door opening and slamming closed as people walk in or leave (a push bar that makes metallic clicking noise when pushed)
–Sound Level: High (some voices and laughs stand above as much louder), feels very busy and anxious, too much going on to focus on any one conversation or read email.
–Descriptive Word: Clamourous
–Essential Sounds: People talking, singing, laughing