Sound Journal April 26th

Class 12:00PM School of Communication

Sounds closest to me- Sounds of a video playing from the speaker my professor is playing

Sounds medium distance- a tour guide giving a tour through the wall right behind me

Sounds furthest – people lightly typing on laptops

sound level – pretty loud. The contrasting sounds of the tour and video are overstimulating

description – overstimulating

essential sounds – the tour and the video

Sound Journal #6

4/28/24 – 1:54 PM- New Paltz UCAT UPL BUS.

1. Furthest sound- Sounds of cars whooshing by the window, running water from a lake.

2. Medium Sound- The sound of the engine of the bus roaring.

3. Closest Sound- “Closest sound? My ass talking your ear off” Meagan R., Meagan R. talking about the wicked movie, and the couple in front of us talking.

4. Sound Level and Activity- Loud! Meagan is Puerto Rican. Also loud when the bus is zooming down the road, but low when it stops! (and I don’t mean the bus)

5. Descriptor- Perfect.

6. Essential sounds: The most lovely voice in the world, bus, soft murmurs.

Sound Journal

  1. 4/27/24 10:31AM Blackbox
  2. furthest sound: people talking about cues, rehearsal cubes being moved around backstage
  3. medium range: actors onstage singing
  4. close to me: keyboards clacking, people whispering
  5. sound level and activity: the sound level was low-medium; the people meant to be heard were easily heard, but there wasn’t much movement otherwise
  6. description: focused
  7. essential sounds: cue discussions, actors singing, hushed whispers

Sound Journal #6

1- 4/24/24- 11:20AM – Bits & Bytes

2- Furthest: The sounds from the workers cooking, the slight hum of the building, the fan blowing
3- Medium: People chatting at the table next to me, the workers having a conversation at the cash register, a phone ringing across the room.
4- Closest: My friend telling me a story, my bracelets jangling as I type, keyboards clacking, brief clips of people’s conversations as they walk by.
5- Sound level and activity: low, it’s still early and there’s not many people inside, the calm before the storm of common hour
6- Usual
7- The chatter from people, kitchen sounds, my friend’s voice

Journal Entry #6

  1. 04/20/2024 – 3:38pm – The Playhouse.
  2. Sounds farthest away from me: dancers/crew members whispering to each other, crew members talking/responding in the distance, somebody coughing.
  3. Sounds at medium range: the choreographer giving directions/counting followed by the dancers moving around on stage.
  4. Sounds closest to me: typing on my computer, a dancer wrapping their ankle in tape next to me, the crew members near me occasionally adjusting themselves or moving items, a constant faint buzzing.
  5. The general sound level is subdued but passionate. The amount of sound activity is very particular and arranged.
  6. Description word: precise.
  7. Essential sounds: counting/directing, stage movement, hushed whispers/humming.

Journal Entry #5

4/12/2024, 5:29PM. My room

Sounds farthest away from me: cars driving down the street, music playing a few houses down

sounds at medium range: birds chirping outside my window, people walking around the house

sounds closest to me: my fingers tapping the keys on my computer, my stomach growling, my own breathing

The sound level is quiet and the sound activity is consistently low

One word description: peaceful

Essential sounds: Footsteps, cars, birds

Sound Journal April 12th

  1. Maryland, April 12th, 7:00 AM, My friend’s brother’s house

2. Sounds further away from me – birds very quietly chirping, wind hitting trees lightly

3. Sounds medium range – footsteps of someone walking to the bathroom

4. Sounds closest to me – a rooster being loud. (the room I was in is right in front of the backyard where the roosters are)

5. The sound level is pretty low and quiet until every once and a while the rooster makes a loud and abrupt change. Sound activity is pretty low as well, not much is going on besides the rooster

6. Morning

7. the rooster, and the footsteps


Journal Entry #4

  1. April 10, 2024. 3:11 pm. Basement of Berliner Hall in Astronomy class
  2. Professor speaking to his class in a room down the hall
  3. The sounds of my classmates typing, the fan in the back of the room
  4. My professor lecturing right in front of me (I’m in the front row), my own sniffles because I have a cold. My classmates speaking.
  5. General sound level: low to medium. There is a low amount of activity because there is never more than one person speaking at once.
  6. One word: academic
  7. Essential sounds: Dr. Lacy’s voice, classmates speaking, typing noises.

Journal Entry #4


1- 4/10/24 – 12:35 – Tables outside of Bits ‘n’ Bytes

2- People talking on the other side of the quad, cars driving down the turnpike, shuffled steps on the concrete.
3- Birds chirping, someone’s heels clacking on the cement as they walk, leaves rustling in the wind, someone’s keys jangling as they walk.
4- My friend typing at the computer next to me, an airplane flying overhead, someone laughing at the table next to me, the ice in my drink shifting as I pick it up and take a sip, the sound of someone’s skateboard as they skate by my table.
5- Describe the general sound level and amount of sound activity – Sound level: low and quiet; Sound activity: relatively high, there are a lot of different noises and sounds outside.
6- Peaceful.
7- The birds, the ambience voices throughout the quad, and the steps and general movement of the people passing by.