Time: 8:30pm
Location: Mineola train station
Sounds: Wind whipping, man yelling “taxi”, the train whistling to leave
Time: 8:30pm
Location: Mineola train station
Sounds: Wind whipping, man yelling “taxi”, the train whistling to leave
TIme: 9:45 PM
Location: Hofusa
Sounds: Voices all around that are overlapping, Music playing on the speaker overhead, Plastic food containers opening and closing
Time: 9:05pm
Location: Kitchen in my house
Sounds: A hockey game coming from the TV, typing on a keyboard, keys jingling, notification from a phone.
Time: 9:20 am
Location: Sidewalk from my house to campus entrance.
Sounds: Crunching snow/ice, footsteps, pant legs shifting against each other and gusting wind.
Location: My dorm
Time: 11:39
Sounds: Mac Ayres’s new song playing in the background, writing notes with a sharpie, distance wind from the window being open
Location: my bedroom
In this recording, you can hear me moving my cat in my lap and the sound of my air conditioner. It is a very quiet night as I sit and do homework.
Location: my kitchen
In this field recording, you can hear my roommates talking and my cat purring. It is a very typical night at home, and all of us are talking about the recent club elections my roommate just had.
Location: my living room
In this recording, you can hear my girlfriend and I bullying the cat as my roommate types on their computer. The air conditioner is going, and you can occasionally hear me hiccuping.
5/8 8:26pm Playhouse greenroom
In this recording you can hear the music from the Danceworks piece currently on the stage. You can also hear laughter and chatter from dancers in the greenroom as well as my typing.
Location: Wall St. & Broadway, NY City
Sounds: Talking, footsteps, cars