Field Recording 1- Jaden Chapman

This was in bits and bytes where my friends and I spend a lot of time just having random conversations. I did ask them if I could just record and they agreed so there was consent. Enjoy!

  • other students talking
  • lots of walking around and foot steps
  • some people loud while others are a bit softer
  • If you listen closer there is a Ukelele very lightly
  • Tapping of keys on a laptop in background as well

Journal #1

Location: My room, early morning 

Far sounds: Cars going past in the street, birds chirping, rumble of the landry room as someone was sipping their laundry, one airplane go across the sky, couching in the kitchen, a few sirens going off in the distance 

Medium sounds: Sounds of footsteps overhead as Joey walks about in their room, my diffuser quietly spitting out moist air, Michelle shifting clothes around in her closet behind the wall across the room from me 

Close sounds: My oscillating fan going off, intercut by my alarms peridically

Sounds description: Calming, soothing environment, gentle monotonous repetition underscored by the fan

Important sounds: The fan and the footsteps over head and the birds chirping 

Journal #1 – Molly Guinen

Date: February 10th, 2022

Location and time: 9:11am my room in the basement of my house, Hempstead NY

Far sounds: a bird chirping on the ground somewhere near my window

Medium sounds: someone walking in the second story of the house, a door closing in the second story, the front door slamming from someone leaving for class

Close sounds: foot steps above my head from someone walking in the kitchen, my housemate closing the bathroom door, the heater creaking in my room

Sound/description level: it’s the very typical sounds to wake up to on a weekday, the sounds I hear pretty much every morning, people moving around the house and each of them getting ready to leave and go to their first classes of the day, people are trying to be quiet because it’s the morning and they don’t want to disturb our other house mates but they’re also rushing to get ready and leave on time

One word: comforting 

Most important sounds: foot steps above my head, the front door closing, the creaking of the radiator in my room

Eve Journal 1 

February 11th 

Eve Journal 1 

DATE: 02/06/2022

TIME: 7:30pm 

LOCATION of the sound environment: AKT Manhasset (Fitness Dance studio where I work) 

  • Identify and list the sounds farthest away from you.

The farthest sound that I was able to hear was the noise of the car’s wheels sliding on the street. I had not paid attention to it before, but because the studio is so close to the main street it is so easy and possible to hear  how fast the cars are going. It was amazing to stop for a second specially with how fast my job is and just to hear what was around me. It definitely calmed me down and gave me peace before my next class. The other sounds were the closing and opening of the main door which is relatively far from the studio and people talking outside. 

  • Identify and list the sounds at a medium range from you. 

Medium sounds were the sliding of the AKT clothes hanging on the front shop as clients looked at them. I was also able to hear when they grabbed wipes to clean the boxes and weights, and their footsteps as they came into the studio. 

  • Identify and list the sounds closest to you (You can include internal sounds if noticed or relevant).

Sound of the clients’ bags hitting the floor, music from the speakers, the fans, small talk from clients, sound of clients hanging the bands that we use for the workouts on the ceiling, sound of the weights, celebration noises, steps when running or jumping onto the boxes, feedback from the microphone. 

  • Describe the general sound level and amount of sound activity.

Sound level outside was low, inside was sometimes loud and then it would go low and medium level. The amount of sound activity was a lot since there was a lot going on. 

  • Assign a one word description to the “sound environment”.


  • Select and list 3 sounds which are essential to the sound environment. 
  • Small talk amongst the clients 
  • Sound of the fans 
  • Sound of the weights hitting the floor 

Journal Entry #1- Gabby Macallister

Date: February 11th, 2022

Location and Time: Hempstead, NY (home) 3:24pm

Far Sounds: Car coming to a screeching stop, Hofstra bus driving around campus, car driving by my house, the house creaking from someone moving around upstairs, car engines revving at set of lights that are close by my house, police siren, someone honking their horn, truck backing up

Medium Sounds: People throwing wood on top of other wood, construction car moving, people talking about construction, front door closing, Mishka (dog) running down the stairs, wind chimes from my next door neighbors chimes, geese flying over, fire department alarm that is going off that sounds like the world is ending

Close Sounds: Leaves rustling on the ground, wind making the branches on the trees shake, tree sounding creaky, birds chirping in the trees, someone dropping stuff off in the kitchen, wind making the screen door shake and hit into the sliding glass window

Sound Description/Level: calm, this is what it normally sounds like outside, especially with the wind. Very homey vibes and relaxing

One Word: serene

Most Important Sounds: Leaves rustling, wind chimes going, car engine revving, wood being thrown on top of other wood, end of the world sounding alarm going off



Date: February 11th, 2022

Location and time: Hempstead, NY (home, in the living room) 12:59 pm

Far sounds: a voice singing from upstairs, a lightbulb tinkling

Medium sounds: a truck backing up outside, the refrigerator humming from the kitchen, car alarm outside

Close sounds: a vacuum coming from directly upstairs, the sound of a friend typing next to me

Sound description/level: very quiet, all sounds are naturally occurring in a home environment

One word for the sound environment: homely

Important sounds: the typing of a friend, the various voices/noises coming from the other tenants

Journal Entry 1 (2/11/22)

Date: February 11th, 2022

Location and Time: Hempstead, NY (home), 1:00 pm

Far Sounds: light wind, occasional car passing, a man’s voice singing casually (muffled)

Medium Sounds: heavy footsteps upstairs, creaking floorboards, doors periodically squeaking, shutting, and clicking, a vacuum running

Close Sounds: voices on zoom, clacking keyboard, whirring computer

Sound Description/Level: relatively quiet, most sounds are only occasional

One Word: domestic

Most Important Sounds: the clacking keyboard, the footsteps, the singing, the voices


location: back of the student center in parking lot

Far sounds: college student running to cross the stree, theres still salt and dust on the ground so you can hear it being kicked and pushed around as he runs. Cars are also going fast in the distance too and you can hear the engine running and being loud.

Medium sounds: cars going over speed bumps and tires rolling on the concrete.

close sounds: wind blowing and cars passing by over and over trying to find a parking spot. The sound of footsteps are also there too.

Sound description/level: sounds more like an empty parking lot but the sound itself was distant and far but very noticeable.

Important sounds: The foot steps, loud cars in distance



Date: February 10th, 2022

Location & Time: The Drounge, 2:03pm

Far sounds: A female-sounding voice is singing in their MUTH class. The song might be “Come to Your Senses” from tick, tick…boom! There are cheers, laughter, and piano coming from that room.

Medium sounds: Footsteps going up and down stairs, doors opening and closing in Lowe.

Close sounds: people typing on keyboards, soft humming, costume carts rolling through the hall.

Sound description/level: Low, quiet but not library quiet. Good volume for getting work done in peace.

One word for the “sound environment”: mellow

Important sounds: distant singing, typing on a keyboard, humming