Journal Entry #2

1- February 21, 2024. Starbucks in Student center at 8:51 am

2- Chairs moving, keys jingling, someone talking in a high-pitched voice to a dog

3- Starbucks workers talking, customer talking in Spanish to another worker, footsteps

4- Music from speaker, buzz from speaker, soft conversations at tables, a drink with ice being made

5- Medium

6- Human

7- Music, people talking, drinks being made

Sound Journal #1

1.2/9/25 – My house’s backyard (1:30 PM)

2. Close Sounds: metal rod squeaking on rocking chair, foot hitting against solid snow, and melted snow trickling down drain.

3. Medium Sounds: wind chimes, metal panel slamming against the house, and squirrels clawing cold bark.

4. Far Sounds: cars driving on ice, gun shots, birds chirping, wind rustling leaves, and car honking.

5. The sound level is quiet for the most part. The loudest is the wind brushing against the trees or the cars on the streets.

6. Tranquility.

7. Important Sounds: Water dripping, chair rocking, wind rustling