1) 3/10/11-2:45 p.m.-Hammer Lab
2) The sounds furthest away from me included the hum of the printers, the squeak of the printers
as they printed paper, creaking of the door opening and closing, a beep sound as people swiped
into the lab, a janitor emptying a trash can and slamming it back on the ground, someone using a
stapler, and student employees talking to each other behind the desk.
3) The sounds in medium range from me included fingers typing on computer keyboards, chirp
of someone’s phone receiving a text, car keys hitting the tabletop, jackets rustling, footsteps, and
4) My knuckles cracking, my fingers typing on the keyboard, the knob on my mouse grinding as
it scrolled, and my mouse sliding across the table would be considered sounds closest to me.
5) The sound level was low because people were concentrating on their work. The lab is usually
a very quiet place. There were sounds coming from many sources, but many of the sounds were almost inaudible.
6) Meek
7) The hum and squeak of the printers, typing on computer keyboards, and the beep of the swipe
into the lab.