Sound Journal #3

1.  2/13/14, outside Axinn Library, 5:20 pm

2.  Identify sounds farthest from you:

  • A few muffled cars from the California Avenue
  • Sirens going off

3.  Identify sounds at medium range from you:

  • The howling of the wind
  • The tree branches swinging back and forth

4.  Identify sounds closet to you:

  • The pattering of the rain
  • The squishing noises of my shoes on the wet pavement

5.  Describe the level of sound activity:  The level of activity is pretty high.  The pattering of rain is very consistent on the shoveled pavement.  Also the wind has picked up and constantly howling against the tall Axinn library.

6.  One word to describe to describe the sound environment: Ominous

7.  Three sounds that make the sound environment:

  • Wind
  • Rain
  • Sirens



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