Journal Entry #2

1) February 9th, 2012 – 3:45p.m. – Unispan

2) The sounds furthest away from me were the cars driving underneath me, people chatting from a distance and echoing voices from the student center.

3) The sounds at a medium distance from me were even more people chatting and a student on his bike approaching.

4) The sounds closest to me were my footsteps and those from people near me, even closer chatting, My friend’s squeaking backpack, and the wind hitting the glass next to us.

5) The sound level was incredibly loud, and never ending. This is because it was passing periods and the unispan is a narrow concrete structure which is enclosed and traps all sound.

6) One word to describe this sound would be “bustling”.

7) Three sounds essential to the sound environment are, student’s voices, and footsteps, and the cars underneath us.

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