Field Recording 10

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Identify the location:
History 107, Breslin 216

Identify the sounds:
Well, because this class is Medieval Europe, my professor (Doubleday) likes to play medieval music while we work on group projects.  So you can hear him speak about the project, and then you can hear the music come in.  You can hear someone discussing what she wants to do, a page turn, miscellaneous background noise, someone coughing, and more people in the class discuss the project.  After the professor stops speaking, you can hear more people start to discuss.  I decided to record this because I always find that the music he plays is fun, and creates a nice atmosphere for the discussions among groups.  I also like his accent and the fact that there is a lot going in on this clip, but you can still focus in and hear him speak, or the music, or the girl next to me speaking, or the background noises; whichever you choose to focus on can be heard clearly and distinctly despite all the other noises simultaneously going on.

Field Recording 8

Listen to

Identify the location:
Yankee Stadium, Yankees Vs. Red Sox, Third game of the season

Identify the sounds:
You hear dull clapping and cheering, which suddenly intensified and is joined by screams.  Immediately following that is the classic, “The Yankees Win,” announcement, which, of course, is followed by Sinatra’s famous New York, New York.  You can also hear my mom singing along to the song and people talking and singing in the background.

Field Recording 7

Cafe On The Quad, Monday, 10:55 a.m.


I hear Michael Jackson’s “Smooth Criminal” on the sound system, a group of guys talking, drinks made on the espresso machine, me putting my drink down by my computer, and me tearing the wrapper off a package of Reese’s peanut butter cups. I’m glad I got the recording when I did, because shortly after “Smooth Criminal” came on, a rather bad dub step mixed song featuring Justin Bieber and Nicki Minaj came on.


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Field Recording 6

Listen to

Identify the location:
The kitchen of my friend’s dorm room late at night.

Identify the sounds:
First, you can hear two people talking about how early they have to get up, their voices fade to the background as we walk past them.  You can hear her hit my phone (my recording device) by accident as she passes me to get to the sink.  You can hear her footsteps, then her pouring out her water bottle in the sink.  It ends with her hitting the water bottle on the side of the sink so she gets all the water out of it.

Listen to

Location: Alliance Hall, Room 1111 — March 7, 2013, 2:17 am


Sounds Heard:  I was originally going to upload a different recording for this week, but I had a conversation with my friend Morgan in (which she showed a home video of herself singing in a church choir when she was eight) that was too good to pass up.  I usually don’t consider voices a top choice for my Field Recordings, as it doesn’t feel like as much of a discovery to just record someone talking.  But Morgan has such a dynamic voice, and my interest was piqued by hearing her echo the sounds in the video and imitate her own thick, Appalachian accent.

The video itself can be heard initially, followed by giggles and chatter about the video, as well as Morgan’s stellar impression of herself, which I ask her to repeat.  My boyfriend Steve chimes in when Morgan shows a video of herself dancing in another home video — he comments that she looks like both Mary Kate AND Ashley Olsen.

Field Recording 5

Listen to

Identify the location:
In the car with a few of my friends (if your volume is up, you might want to turn it down, because my friends are loud).

Identify the sounds:
I started the recording after they were belting out the verses, during the guitar break.  They were joking about singing it and, “being off,” and then started singing again.  In the beginning of the recording you can hear one of my friends keys jangling as she claps her hands.  You can hear me laughing as they sing, and you can hear them laughing as well.  One of them starts to sing the guitar part at one point.  At the end, you can hear all of us laughing as the song ends and the radio announcer comes back on.
I like this recording because I feel like you can hear the smiles on everyone’s faces, and tell no one is trying to impress anyone else.  It’s just three girls being themselves and having fun.