Identify the location:
History 107, Breslin 216
Identify the sounds:
Well, because this class is Medieval Europe, my professor (Doubleday) likes to play medieval music while we work on group projects. So you can hear him speak about the project, and then you can hear the music come in. You can hear someone discussing what she wants to do, a page turn, miscellaneous background noise, someone coughing, and more people in the class discuss the project. After the professor stops speaking, you can hear more people start to discuss. I decided to record this because I always find that the music he plays is fun, and creates a nice atmosphere for the discussions among groups. I also like his accent and the fact that there is a lot going in on this clip, but you can still focus in and hear him speak, or the music, or the girl next to me speaking, or the background noises; whichever you choose to focus on can be heard clearly and distinctly despite all the other noises simultaneously going on.